Releve Virginia Division of Natural Heritage, see
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Plot Quality Fields:
Plot Validation Level
(2) classification plot: sufficient for inclusion in a classification revision
Overall Plot Vegetation Fields:
Field Height
Field Cover
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Observation Narrative
An upland-bordering salt meadow community, marked by prevalence of Schoenoplectus robustus, with meso- to polyhaline regime. At time of sampling, it appears to be high tide; water level in plot averages 5-8 cm above soil surface. I suspect panne effect here; compare halinity (21 ppt) to that of more flushed J. roemerianus marsh (18 ppt). Wild turkey observed in marsh. Bistratal herb layer: Distichlis- Spartina 50 cm height; Schoenoplectus 110 cm.
Center marked with 1" diameter PVC pipe.
10 - water level at high tide (11:40 AM EDT)
0 - 25 - mucky, dark gray, soft with a fine sandy component
25 - 30 - very firm, gray, fine sandy clay (?) loam, possibly an organic mineral soil, with oxidized rhizospheres and remains of roots
30 - 90 - light gray clay with bright orange mottles and a little sand
90 - medium to coarse sandy clay